Interesting Facts About Flowers

Interesting Facts About Flowers

Flowers from time immemorial attracted attention. Refined, graceful, fragile, they became the language of love, a symbol of the sun, a remedy for many diseases. In honor of flowers, festivals were held, and many interesting beliefs and traditions are associated with them. Today we will tell you the most interesting facts about flowers.

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Did you know that flowers can be used as clocks? In Sweden in the 18th century, this chronometer was used to check the time. The dial was divided into sectors and flowers of certain varieties were planted in them. Until dawn, chicory and goatbeard open their buds, at 5 in the morning the rose hips wake up, followed by bells and dandelions. Marigolds and bindweed bloom later. Flowers fall asleep in the same way as they wake up – in a certain sequence. The bells drooped – it means that it was 2 o’clock in the afternoon, poppies and dandelions fall asleep at about 15.00, chicory – at 16.00. The most active is the wild rose, it closes its buds after 19.00. The only drawback of such watches is that they do not work in gloomy weather.

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